Thursday, July 14, 2011

"Only I Can Live Forever"

Said in that raspy Voldemort voice.
Chills? Yes.
Today is the day. Or, I suppose you should say tomorrow.
Needless to say I'm incredibly excited.

I knocked out a rather hot and humid team run on Tuesday. I'm just proud to be one of the people who showed up! Not many people showed up.

There's another one tonight, and I'm hoping more people will show up tonight.
This heat wave has to end!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Magical Week

Well, for me anyways.
Summer xc practice starts tonight! (Fingers crossed all us girls make it through the heat advisory).
AAAND (the real magic) I got tickets to the midnight Harry Potter showing! Wahooo.
Them tickets are selling fast.

Being a 'born in the '90s' kid, I grew up with Harry Potter.
I've read the series multiple times (and am reading it again).
Will I be sobbing at the end of the movie? Pretty much guaranteed.

A part of me is super sad to see it end.
But that doesn't mean I'm leaving it behind.
My mom jokingly refers to my generation as the "Potter Generation".

Hope everyone is having a great week!