Friday, April 15, 2011

Deja Vu

Two blog posts in one day?
You might be thinking, "But Jessie, how is this possible?"
Well this blog post is sponsored by stupid tornado warnings that ruin Friday evening plans.

I had a date.
I NEVER have dates (partly because I'm a nerd, but mostly because I'm insanely busy most of the time).
You win this round, Mr. Tornado.

Russell Brand ftw.
I was going to see Arthur, which looks hilarious.
But no.
Now I'm sprawled out on my floor playing on the computer and watching episodes of Daria on the internet.

All I know is this storm better clear up before my long run tomorrow.
In the meantime, I'm going to see what crazy new art project Jane Lane has undertaken.

Perfect summary of what my night is going to be like.
I hope everyone else's evenings pan out better than mine.


  1. Ran a few trail miles, listening to the wind howl outside my house, read stories with my little ones, Stanley Cup playoffs are on TV, catching up on awesome running blogs, a fresh batch of Kashi Go Lean Crunch is in my cereal bin for snacking :) That will be my night.

  2. Micheal, it sounds like a much better evening than mine.
    And thanks Green Girl, I didn't get blown away. =)
