Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Spaghetti Scarf Down

Just got back  from a team practice!
It went pretty well. I was the first girl to finish.
Everyone's times were slower because of the heat, but I think we were all just glad we got through it.

But as soon as I got home I showered and then scarfed down A LOT of spaghetti (A LOT).
Oh well.
Weight loss is for squares. Ha ha.

Anywhos-its: Lauren tagged me in the Q & A tag game.
So if you have any questions to ask me, fire away!
I'll answer any question (or give a smart answer to avoid the awkward ones).


  1. Aaaayyyyy gurrrrr. Can I getcho numba?

  2. I always over eat when we have spaghetti. I love spaghetti. I'm glad you got my tag.

    I have a few questions:

    How long have you been running?
    What got you interested in running?
    Do you have friends who run, or do friends or acquaintances think that you are crazy for running?
    If for some unfortunate reason you could not run, what would you do instead?
